Wednesday, December 9, 2020

EX2: Projects and Opportunities

 The Central Computing Auditing Task Force took up the 14th floor of the Auditing division skyscraper in downtown Bay City. The Audit building was not as august or impressive as the three buildings of GEC: Governance, Education and Computing, but it still was pretty impressive to Amanda.

The CCATF had dozens of Interns working for them, as well as the leadership of five full Examiners, two Tenured Examiners and a Team Leader Examiner in charge of the project.

"As interns, you are assigned to large projects where we can have you cross-check each other, as well as provide supervision and validation from both Senior Examiners and Examinees. At the CCATF we examine all Computing Resource Use Reports as well as Requests, both for Hardware requests and System usage requests and reports," said the Team Leader. 

One of the Seniors continued, "If you work together on projects with your fellow interns, we have found a certain collective consensus effect that works against effective and fair evaluation. Therefore we ask that you do not share active investigation data or analysis. You may talk about broad trends and situations but never specifics. We will let you know if there is an exception."

The Team Lead said, "Unfortunately despite repeated training at all levels of all stratums, people often train Computing Resources differently than they treat economic resources, but nonetheless the cost is real. Computing overuse and misuse is one of the most common auditable issues found. You will be the search lights for the rare issues, and our Action Groups will follow up each suspicion. You are not looking for a definite issue, but one that bears further investigation."


The Office

 Working in an office setting meant riding into work each day, accessing in-office Computing systems which are much more powerful, but must be used respectfully and in a limited manner. It would not do for the Computing Audit department to face an Internal-Affairs audit. 

Amanda brushed up against limts in both how much work and when. She liked to work at all kinds of odd hours, but now she had to be in the building, and they were not allowed in after 8 PM and before 8 AM. The lack of flexibility combined with the high case load was stressful.

Mostly she didn't find anything, but you never knew when the next case might contain important data.

There were E-Waver attachments to certain data sets when certain Computing system users were revealed to have redacted authorization from their Division as well as Computing. There were cases color coded Brown. This was for Computing Systems use in an official setting. Limits on in-office use were much stricter, and they had to memorize the standard for Brown versus  Green (home user), versus Blue (Educational labs). Data tagged with Black was used by the highest secure sources, beyond their paygrade. Amanda received one of these and did an order of magnitude bound, and found the usage was beyond even that bound and sent it on to the Investigative Teams.

Most Black tagged datasets would end up being in-house Governance usage that was not subject to limit.

The Computing Hardware use datasets involved repair of Hardware in homes or work areas, but more commonly requests for High Power Computing in various parts of Examiner professional society as well as municipalities.

These were more intense as they required lookups and research about the organization who received equipment. They had to match the requests with intended purpose and usage, and any weird discrepancies were sent on.

The serious and intense nature of their work meant that even though they gathered as an intern group on the night before their off day, it didn't have the same fun casualness as her gathering with her house mates.

The other factor was the mixed gender and large group, with 18 guys and 12 girls in the group of interns.

 She got to know Samantha (sddavids), Jim (jbreed) and Irina (ivplane), but she still messaged Sue (sumoderno) and Jason (jawertham2).

Having one day off nine days on, and being in the building almost 12 hours a day was exhausting and led to mistakes sometimes. She spent one week working only 9 hours a day, and then went back to full pace.

 Like before, after a few hicups she adapted to the work level, and made some improvements in her understanding of the situation. Though they were idle conversations, she did provide a little input for the investigatory teams.

Year 95, Day 144

As she had gotten into a routine, as part of this team of interns, the Team Lead informed her that they were going through a mandatory rotation to gain experience in a second topic area.

For her, it was the Major Capital Projects Auditing team. It wasn't mainly the topline that she worked on, but all of the contractors, sub contractors and sub subs. The billing for labor and parts, the identification of parts actually being delivered and many other unending details.

This was more collaborative work. Groups of 4 interns worked with a full Examiner on a particular construction project.  She worked for 21 days on her first one, and 30 on her second.

Year 96, Day 264

Her excellent 34-7 "exam" record slipped to 62-18 over the 120 days of the Major Capital Projects. She found more interest in pursuing a lead independently than the long-standing collab detail searching of MCP.

She only need 19 more passes to reach Junior Examiner. She was placed in a project once again following Computing usage, but this time she was part of a small team, working with a Junior Examiner who was about to move up to full Examiner rank.

They were the Educational Computing Labs & Exams Auditing Team. Truly an inter-division team. 

It was her first experience with the other divisions in depth. She met with Computing division interns and full examiners as well as many Education division Examiners and students.

Their focus was only partially on behavior and violations, it was primarily on working with the other Two divisions to develop better estimates of student behavior, working on policy developments for student usage and correcting any errors in the Auditing Information systems that were used in labs and Exam centers to determine how much was used.

She found herself in an investigation that reminded her of the old days at home, thinking of Computers.

She and the Auditing Junior Examiner, Ed Winters (emwinters). They were investigating a faulty Auditing Info System with a Tenured Computing Division examiner. She even provided some useful input which helped the Computing, Education and Audit teams to find the answer.

There was an exam with a question that required extra data and didn't follow a certain coding standard to cache that data. The Audit IS improperly identified the extreme data use as a recording failure, but failed the properly rectify that with the total in the Audit IS Ed Headquarters causing an overall off-balance problem, which was what started them on this chase.

She ended up with commendations by the Education and Computing divisions.


Year 95, Day 324

As the jump to Intern was a different sort of thing, so was the jump to Junior Examiner. I technicially had the status, ranks and rewards of the position. I had a new house which I was moving into in two days. It was large enough for a family someday, if I didn't marry someone with an even bigger house.

I wasn't ready to think about the Child credit which was added to my Account system. I was sure someone audited usage of those as well, and I hadn't met anyone who wasn't as fanatically in pursuit of the next challenge as I was.

Supposedly during this transitional step, your name would show up in places where the special analysis software identified you as a good fit. Unlike the automatic assignment of lower ranks, your superior got to interview the top 3 or 5 recommendations by the system.

It was part of the trial to go through these interviews and be picked.


GEC Auditing Task Force

 After interviewing for a position with the CCATF and the ECLEAT, she had the opportunity to interview for a special position related to the GEC.

The GEC Auditing Task Force was a small operation. An Emeritus Examiner and his subordinate, as well as a supporting second pair. I was interviewing to work as the junior member of the second pair.

My senior would be Tenured Examiner Will Christensen, wwchristensen.

The position had no exact details listed, but said it was used for key auditing support by the GEC leadership, and was a sort of scion of the Auditing division to those top three division leaders.

It would be very prestigious for a mere newbie Junior Examiner to join the team. Amanda was excited, but she wanted to be sure it was the sort of thing she would be good at.

Will and Emeritus Examiner Jennifer Oeftger interviewed her.

"I suppose the Major Projects Team was all about drilling down into the detail, but I found myself distracted working with people who had the same qualifications as me. Whereas, working across Divisions, and with those senior to me, I was able to be an analyst offering up what help I could to the overall effort. It's like trampling versus coordinated flight. My interest in Computing and Education may have helped as well.

I know that we have many Controller connected responsibilities as auditors, but I find the most interest in the Computing and Education connections. I will have to learn the Governance division connections, but I'm interested in learning that as well."

 Will asked, "Why do you think you failed your Preliminary Computing exam?"

That seemed so long ago, it had been five years, but it seemed like an event from her childhood. "I thought I knew about Computing. I was overconfident. I've learned some more from alongside."

 "You continued with Legal for several stages of this process. How do you think that will help?" Jennifer asked.

"It was a hard one for me, but I think the structured approach of Legal division was helpful to solidify my understanding of Auditing in certain areas. And maybe it will help me approach Governance."

Jennifer finally filled her in a bit on what the team was about. "We are both Prospective and Retrospective. Anticipating what the GEC council will need from an Auditing perspective, as well as responding with speed and accuracy and care to their requests. 80 percent of what we do is anticipating their needs, for faster response. Most of that is not ultimately used but it is available.

Situations along the same lines as your work with the Education Computing collaboration come up from time to time, and sometimes the Divisions have a hard time working together, so the GEC will send us out on site. I expect you to invest in attire of a higher class, and direct yourself to be circumspect, polite and mindful of your on-site directives. You will be given sufficient dispensation for all attire required, please work with the Hospitality Division Uniform Technicians Team to get fitted immediately.

 Well, I guess I've revealed too much. Will, are you in agreement to chose Junior Examiner Amanda Mercer, ammercer?"

 "I am in agreement. I will help with the special instruction."


Hospitality Division - Uniform Technicians Office

The uniform of the Examinee, or the Uniform of the Intern were not very complicated, or diverse. Now she had suits, sport coats, bow ties, dresses, blouses, slacks, skirts, and all in several colors.  

For the first time since her Form school days, her closet was full of several different kinds of clothes. 

She wasn't sure what official Auditor business had to do with all of this, but she wouldn't doubt her superiors.

"Madam Examiner," the form of address was still unfamiliar to her, and she wasn't married, of course, but she had never heard Mademoiselle or Miss.

"If you have need of anything, the Hospitality division's Examiner Support Team 7 is your go-to. Just hit hospitality on your home phone or call *017 on your cell."

"Thank you!"


Year 95, Day 339

The output she first appeared in for the special mission was so bad, Will intercepted her and told her to go back and chose more wisely.

Not a good start.

The setting was a meeting up the GEC top teams. There was an audit report that was queried about. She felt out of her depth, but she followed along the lead team and Will's leadership.

She did provide a small bit of technical assistance, but mostly looked foolish.

Year 95, Day 360

The rest of the year was mostly in the office, but just before the holidays, she actually dressed appropriately for a meeting of the GEC executive committee, in which she provided reports which they had worked on in the previous two weeks, and answered questions about the reporting.

Year 95 Holidays

Maybe it was dad's impressive current record in approaching Senior Examiner again, or maybe her quick ascent to Junior Examiner, but Dad showed up for the Examiner's holiday gala.

This time she had her own credentials to get in, and she spoke with several people who were high up in Governance, but whom she had given information to during work with her GEC support team.

"The kind of team you're on now, is exactly where you need to be, to make good impressions for the future. I never got that kind of assignment.

Because she had joined a rather Important team, her workload hadn't really reduced much from her intern days. She did get a second day off some weeks.

Each Examiner division had four awards programs: Student of the Year for Forms Student, Rising Star for Examinees and Interns, Impact Award for Junior and Full Examiners, and Examiner of the Year for Tenured, Senior, Emeritus and up.

 Her fumble near the year end likely cost her a chance for this year.

Jason managed to get third place below two Examiners who she didn't know.

She and Dad met with the Wertham family after dinner. Jason and the rest of the family seemed like hard working but friendly people. They were a smaller family than Sue's, but they had a pretty good record, everyone in their family on a good pace to achieve Junior Examiner or better.

Year 96, Day 123

The Year with the GEC support auditors was marginal. Without an improvement, Amanda would be moved to another team or possible moved back to intern, although that still seemed unlikely.

 Six years of increasingly difficult work can overcome anyone, but she still fought.

She agreed to go on a date with Jason, who had just reached ρ3 Examiner.

Jason lived with his family in a large multi-story home, but he offered to come pick her up. He planned a home cooked meal while the rest of the family was away. It seemed sweet and fancy. She was used to take out food sometimes shared with her friends from various stages of her schooling and career.

If she considered her family life in a professional mindset, she should really consider his family and how they were as well.

Would every effort she made, past and future be considered "Just that Wertham brilliance" if she ended up marrying him. She didn't want to disrespect her dad and what he'd done for her.

"It's been a struggle this year, I've been unable to avoid racking up fails in a few different streaks," she said.

"It doesn't change the hard work and training you've put in. Once you get through this, you'll soar even higher. Honestly, when I found out about you, I didn't expect you'd been just a short hop behind me. Most people, Amanda, most people fall back at least once, sometimes twice or more. Just making it this far without any major hiccups is a major accomplishment. That's why they are looking at you for all these accomplishments."

"Let's talk about anything else. Not that I don't like to talk about this stuff, but I need to take a break from it."

 Jason was stirring the food. "Mom taught me to cook, but she always said: It's great to have high and great destinations in mind, but remember, the destination is just for a day, the journey is for life."

 "Why do you think Auditing captured your attention? To me, it's something that's so hidden and easy to dismiss until you get into the depths. I was already seeing a little about it just from knowing my dad and how he does things."

Jason said, "I originally went in for Governance, Computing, Legal and Auditing as a fall back. But when I reached Examinee 3, I didn't want to go with more than 2 Divisions, so I dropped Governance and Legal. Auditing ended up consistently being my best Division by exam, so I stuck with it. Now that we've been into our intern teams and Junior Examiner teams, we've both seen a ton of situations and found the ones we did best with. I like digging into an investigation and finding something. The more clean our system is, the better we can make our world."

 They were both deep into auditing lingo, lore and study, but how much room did they have for each other.

 "Maybe next holiday, you could come visit my home? Have you ever been outside the city?"


Year 6, Day 318

By literally the slimmest of margins, she scrapped by with 89 passes, 29 fails. One more failure and she would have been out. She had been at 80 and 29 a few weeks ago, looking down the barrel of internship again. She barely had a chance to say hi to Jason or meet him for dinner that week. 

He was in the middle of a difficult fight to make it to Tenured Examiner, so they both had little time to relax.

She was starting to realize how dad felt. The system flipped you back and worth between your limits. 

Her barely advancing performance made her a full Examiner. She could hardly believe that she now had a position that wasn't junior or intern or student in any way.

She didn't get one of the better Examiner positions though. She got sent out a village of her own for agricultural and mining auditing, like her father did. 

She hadn't known where her village was until she downloaded a map. It was only two villages over from home, but she wouldn't see Jason for a long time. He promised to come and visit and she promised to put in a better performance, and try to get transferred back to the capital. She didn't want to be stuck out here like her dad had been.

The house she moved into was another Examiner's house rented to the latest auditor to arrive at the posting. She was determined to learn all about this kind of auditing, above and beyond what she already knew.

Dad was on the precipice of reaching Emeritus Examiner. He didn't tell her his exam equivalents, but his attitude was more positive.


Year 6, Day 360

 It felt like a good start to her days as a full Examiner, but projections put her just barely at the passing line.

She took the auto home, and for once, she talked Dad's language and could understand him at his most jargon filled. Agriculture, Mining operations, expenditures, use and dispersion of result products, and on it went.

Then they stopped, and spent the rest of the first day of the holiday enjoying village activities.

Amanda didn't know what was going on when Jason showed up the next day, not alone, but with his parents.

His parents asked to talk to her. Jason's dad Jon was a Governance division Senior Examiner.

"There's a new Governance - Legal - Auditing inter-division task force, forming up, to investigate shared questions. We'll be looking for candidates in the near future."

"I would love to apply when the position opens up, sir," after all, as an Intern she had switched positions a few times.

That interesting conversation was casting away when Jason came back and bent down on one knee.

She had never really thought too much about marriage, beyond the basics. She wasn't a dreamer on the topic, she was driven by her own goals, but she recognized the necessity of the whole thing.

 So her answer to the question, was "Of course", but she wondered about the whole pageantry of it all.

Jason's parents celebrated holiday together with us, and just after the year began, I received a transfer order. I would be working back in the capital again, and moving in with Jason after we got marriage in mid-year 97.

Year 97, Day 180

I went on a 50-9 run as part of the new GLA task force. I was the most junior of 3 auditors on the team, but I had plenty of insight and ideas. I spent my free time with the Wertham family. .Despite their practical attitude, they didn't act selfishly and they appreciated my Dad and I, and the Mercer family traditions.

Dad was back in the City as an Emeritus Examiner and Sue was an Intern by the time my wedding day came.

 Jason had made it to Tenured Examiner, and was now likely to fall back to Rho 3 Examiner. The toggle was real as I was looking to reach R-4 Tenured myself and had a good chance of it.

EX2: Examinee 6 & 7

 Year 93, Day 300

Heading into late fall, Amanada had accumulated a 19 - 2 record. She knew it was up and down, but she felt good. she had trained extensively, and the cases were only slightly harder.

Her workload was 70% cases now, and she only took an exam once every 10 days.

Year 93, Day 360

This was the end of her third full year as an examinee, fourth year including her partial first year. She finished the year on a rampage, ending up 37-4 so far in Examinee 6.

James was still his gawky self at the social gathering, but at the dinner, she actually spoke to Jason superstar Wertham after he was called the #1 Auditing Rising Star, now a new Examiner Intern, and she was in second.

James was from a successful family but he seemed like a funny guy.

"If you thought being an Examinee was intense, I can't stop dreaming about my cases. Sometimes they are more like nightmares. In 7, you'll hit 90% cases, which is what we do now, but your workload is half of an Intern's workload. You'll always have that 10% exam work, and they surprise us when they announce one. Supposedly it gets less Intense in Junior," Jason said.

James is back in Examinee 5 but he's sure he'll back on his way to Intern soon.

Dad made Senior Examiner again, although his frustration made it closer than it should be. Next year, you will go home to see him for holiday. A little encouragment would help.

Year 94, Day 108

She was so proud to make it to Examinee 7 with a 67-8 record. She had passed through some struggles but now blasted past that.

Year 94, Day 240

Examinee 7 was kicking her butt. There were so many cases, and she was struggling to meet the higher standards which crept up on you. She was exhausted and all those years of exhaustion were showing.

33 and 13 was on the borderline. She might barely pass at that, but it was not an encouraging journey. She needed to improve, but she felt tapped out.

Year 94, Day 300

Straightened things out to 50 and 16 overall, 17 and 3 since my last entry. Still have another good slog to make intern, sometime in the new year.

Year 94, Day 360

67 and 19 overall. I'm on the threshold of leaving behind Examinee. But now, I need to go see dad and he couldn't come to pick me up so I used some of my mountain of credits to pay for a driver. After I reach Junior Examinee I might have time to learn to drive, at least that's what Sue says her plan is. She's moving forward, reaching Examinee 6 now.

Dad's house is a mess, but I guess no one wants to do an inspection out this far. I can't bring myself to report this, so I don't. Maybe I'll get reprimanded if he's found out. I'll pay that price.

"Why'd you come Amanda?" he asked. "I don't want to sully a star, that's why I didn't come to visit before."

"You're my dad, dad. If I can do anything, it's because you taught me how important doing it right was," she said. "I was struggling earlier this year. Failures started to pile up, but I remember when you told me in Third Form. Take a deep breath, relax. Go play, and then come back and it'll make sense."

"Making Emeritus is really, really hard."

"Come on, I'll help you clean up."

They spent a day cleaning up the small house and then it snowed. Bay city was warm enough that it didn't snow too often, but back home, it was hilly and a bit snowy. They made snowmen and threw snowballs and bought some sleds to enjoy the white stuff.

At the local gathering, she didn't go to any gatherings of other stratums, but she warmly welcomed the villagers and they gave her a warm welcome as well.

"If you don't make Emeritus, I'll still come and see you whenever I can. There's no guarantee that I keep marching along either, but we can still celebrate the holidays."

"I'll make it. But if I don't that's still okay," he said. "Give your best, Amanda, and if you don't make it, there's always next time."


Year 95, Day 24

Wohoo! I've got a new rank symbol: rho. ρ1. I haven't got my invitation letter to the Intern Selection, but I know it's coming in a few days.

Year 95, Day 27

Interns work on big teams because we work with a dozen or more other interns as well as supervising examiners and senior team examiners. Now I have access to additional data on request, for all my cases, but I'm used to working with just the limited case data set so I will use what I have sparingly.

While National Agriculatural Auditing wanted me, I got picked by the more prestigious National Computnig Audit team, covering things like the budgetting and allocation of computing resources to different places and departments, and any personal computing dispersions.


Monday, December 7, 2020

EX2: Examinee 3-5

Year 92, Day 60

Dad didn't make it to Emeritus. He's going to be in Tenured Examiner until he can get back to Senior and make another attempt, but I think he really hoped to make this one. I can't even imagine how intensely difficult ρ5 Senior Examiner exams are.

I couldn't even hit that 85% success rate in Examinee 3 exams. Instead I went 26 and 8 so far in my χ3 days. Still good enough to move on, but I think about Georgia. She's barely hanging in there, rigth on the percentage line, as far as making it to Examinee 4.

I encourage her whenever I can, and we work together studying once a week. 

They haven't added a new third roommate yet.


Year 92, Day 135

 Made Examinee 4! Unfortunately, Georgia is back in Examinee 2. This is a pattern with people around me. ;(

New System Command: Case

New Exam Component: Work Product

>>Help Work Product

Beginning in Examinee 4 and for the rest of your work life you will have cases and ongoing work efforts which form part of your exam results.

Each case is worth one or more Exam-equivalent, subpar results will be counted as a fail.

As an Examinee 4 you will be working in parallel with Examiner Interns on the same cases. Their efforts combined with occasional senior reviews will suffice to grade your own work.

Do not attempt to contact you parallel Examiner. Grade standards will be reduced to what is appropriate for your rank.

This is real work effort, please take it seriously.

>> Help Case

The Case command will show you assigned cases, completion status and any evaluation or notices.

Please read the case description carefully.

>> Case

id: mag734_15109 due: in 7 days 1 ex credit

>> Case mag734_15109

Harvest records for Year 91, Wheat harvest field, by row.

Determine inter-data coherency, signs of artificial modification or theft of harvest product.


Pack 1 median : sd : distributional assessment of regional harvest results

Pack 2 historical harvests from field in past years.

Pack 3 certified statement of Agricultural Supervisor Technician (anonymized)

Pack 4 Y91 harvest results 

Pack 5 Aerial Surveillance (large data)

Provide appropriately formatted analysis,

>> Case Pack 3

(Assume mag734_15109)

Attestation: (anonymized signature Ag. Sup. Technician (Q-4 Archmage rank))

I reviewed the electronic and mechanical logs of the tractors involved in the harvest for {location anonymized}. Nonwithstanding malfeasance, these logs are consistent with the amounts loaded on trains to designated processing facilities.

1,247,XXX lbs grain
   391,XXX lbs farm waste separated and removed.

All operators followed appropriate safety protocols and no violations in Agricultural protocol were identified.


 >> Case Pack 4

(Assume mag734_15109)

Lot Rows are A, B, C, D, ... on this anonymized grid
Lot Columns are 3200, 3201, 3202, ... on this anonymized grid.

 (WARNING: Please use VR or Full Graphical Interface or Provide Filtering)
(Results are beyond CLI display limits)

>> Manifest VR InfoData {{ Case mag734_15109 Pack 4 }}

Loading VR representation
Inquiring on Featureset
Wait 34 seconds

Amanda stood up, letting the VR representation enclose her, and the CLI screen receded into the innerworkings of the Computing system.

The VR display showed collection amounts, up harvested grain and farm waste (Weeds, dirt, et cetera) for each map square on the grid. The data was wildly variable. Some grid squares were lifeless, barely providing any yield, while others were incredibly abundant.

She was familiar with many Exam problems with data sets like this, and plenty of VR practice gave her an understanding of how to work with information in VR.

"Computer, give me a virtual command interface.


>> Calculate {Median, St. Dev, Regression with X&Y coordinates.}

 A regression line was drawn for the X axis which pointed North. Higher harvests were found further North. but looking, she found, more specifically that a region in the North was home to on average larger harvests.

It was by no means a perfect distance function type of result, there was a circular region of best growing.

The worst growing was in the four corners.

"Water," she realized. The water sprayers sprayed out a circular area but the fields were square. But why would the best are a being slightly off center, north of the center. Was the sprinkling actually placed north of the center of her map.

>> Lookup Field Data

Command is impossible due to anonymized presentation. 


How could she find the right solution if they didn't give her some of the data. It was very difficult to prove the absence of corruption, easier to prove it's presence.

Beyond Analytical Auditing there was Psychological Auditing. Get inside the head of the possible perpetrator.

Modifying harvest data could happen because someone was sending part of the harvest elsewhere. Or it could happen because the harvest was too small and they fudged it.

The latter case required working together with the manufacturing technician who received the product. The former case merely required some place to put the product that was stolen. If you were going to steal product, you needed to down sample the existing square by square harvest data to equal your new fudged total.

An automatic approach might yield certain irregularities based on rounding. A manual approach would show flaws on investigation.

Alternatively, this was a clean operation and it was being checked as a matter of course.

Someone involved in an illegitimate operation would not want to be moved to another location, they would not want to be ranked up.

Stepping back from her Exam based thinking, this was a real situation, anonymized, but still real. Dad always said 99% of audits return nothing, and the 1% with something are 90% small itty bitty things like a person using petty cash a little out of normal bounds.

She had 7 days to do this. It was take time load Agricultural Auditing and Modern Auditing Standards onto her phone and review them for information of note.

Then she would go through all of the packs carefully and write up her report. She should leave herself  two and a half days for the report.


Year 92, Day 144

 Because of the real case work, she only had an exam every five days instead of every 3. The real cases filled in the rest of her exam points.

She had to hit 55 - 36 now, her target pass percentage was at 60% and would continue to climb, and now will real cases there was new difficulty in her work. The exams weren't getting any easier, either.

Year 92, Day 147

I found a very small violation in my first auditing case. Hopefully the Intern and his superiors catch it and agree with me. The data's regional distribution was a red herring, except for one grid square which showed no data. It could have been a data fault, but reviewing the survillance I found peculiarities in the same area. There was something growing there before, but after it had been harvested no record was made.

Year 92, Day 177

I had an error on my third case. It was in my writeup, I was write but I didn't investigate an appropriate part of the situation so I got 2 fails for that one. 10 - 2 so far. Learning lesson.

Year 92, Day 237

I haven't made any more mistakes on my cases, at least none marked by my counterparts. I did fail one exam. 29 and 3 is pretty good though.

Year 92, Day 327

It's been a lonelier year without Georgia to talk with. Sadly, Sue struggled with burnout and she has to make a has to make a heroic effort to make it on to Examinee 5. It's weird to not see Sue ahead of me on the unofficial progress charts. On I go to Examinee 5 though.

Examinee 5 Notes

Your case load is increased, and instead of only being assigned the simple cases that Intern get, you will be paralleling a Junior Examiner. A P-3 Examiner or P-4 Tenured Examiner will be reviewing your work alongside the Junior Examiner's work. Regular exams will be taken every 7 days, and we will assign 3 cases at a time which are all due in 15 days.

Examinee 5s are entitled to attend two Examiner social functions per year. We recommend that you use this time to become familiar with the broader Examiner social scene, and grow comfortable with interaction with your senior Examinees and Examiners.

Year 92, Day 360

 The end of the year is relatively light for auditing. It's actually the beginning of the year, and especially the first 3 months which are busiest. Coming through the end of the year, she followed her parrallel in doing some broad analysis of auditing trends and statistics. Actually 0.86% of audits bring up problems. Dad was close but it might have got better since then.

She sent him a note. He wasn't coming up to the capital, but he had written to her telling her it was a good idea to socialize and get to know more people at these events. Without her dad, she felt more exposed, it was only her own record who people could react to and she was still just an Examinee 5.

Before dinner, they had Full Examiners and higher meeting in one area, Intern and Junior Examiners in another and the Examinees 5, 6, and 7 in a third area.

Theirs was a quiet bunch. They had all been locked in study, away from their group houses for long enough to feel lonely, but not experienced with going up to people anymore.

One of the men in Examinee 6 introduced himself, "Second generation?" he asked.

"Third. But my dad and me are it. My grandpa was the one who rose up from Technician."

"My mom made it. It's frustrating that Mom had to move out with me. I was just a few months from starting first form when she moved up. I'm James," he said.

"I don't know my mom. Dad's never said anything, I don't ask, I guess," she said. "I didn't realize they would split a family because of stratum. That's weird."

"Unless there was some major behavioral incident, I can't see any way someone with child credits gets moved down a stratum," he said.

"Unpleasant. Well anyway, Dad works in a Monastery town, working on Agricultural and Mining auditing in the community. So I don't see him as often as I wish I could."

"Don't they say that auditing's the easiest division?" he said, blockheadedly.

"I don't know. It's still challenging for me," she said. "My Dad is struggling, trying to get out of the cycle between Tenured and Senior Examiner and make Emeritus."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be offensive. OF course it's hard, we're examiners, easiest or hardest division notwithstanding. I'm in Science myself."

Beside James, who seemed blunt she met a few other Examinees, but overall wasn't having a great time. She hadn't received any word about what happened next.

They were seated at many tables for dinner. She had managed to sit with Sue's family, and was watching as they announced some rewards. She had considered the fact that there were thousands of Examinee 5s, she never thought about  receiving any awards, since her exam marks were not the very top perfection. 

She didn't even pay much attention as the other divisions' Rising Stars.

"In the auditing division, 3rd star Amanda Mercer, daughter of Tenured Examiner Sam Mercer. She's rising to Examinee 5 in just over two years, and done so quietly in the background. We have been watching."

Sue's family applauded, while she sat their shocked. She assumed she was middle of the group, since the exams and cases all challenged her.

"Most people have a setback on the way to becoming an Examiner, Amanda," Sue said. "Mom told me how my grandpa was stuck between Examinee 7 and Intern for a few years!"

"You were always my target, my goal was keeping you in sight," she said to Sue. 

"Now you're my bullseye, you better run hard and fast!" she grinned.

"Congratulations, Amanda," said the Moderno patriarch, Sue's grandpa.

She needed new targets. The #1 star in Auditing was an Intern, the #2 star was an Examinee 7: Jason Wertham.

>> Bookmark Jason Wertham

 jewertham bookmarked: χ7 Examinee 7


 Year 93, Day 90

She started her new year on a bad path, failing multiple exams and messing up a few of the cases, so that it took a run at the end of the 90 days to pull her record back to 20 and 10. 

Year 93, Day 180

She pulled herself together in the next 90, going 25-5 to total 45-15 for her Examinee 5 days.

James made a point of saying high at the Summer social. She had been lonely, despite texting Dad and Sue frequently. He wasn't bad for a blockhead. He was appropriate the penultimate Examinee rank, and she was approaching Examinee 6 herself.

Year 93, Day 237

She turned 20 a few days before she completed her Examinee 5 program with an overall of 60 - 19. 

As expected she would now be paralleling a full Examiner under the supervision of a Senior Examiner.


Saturday, December 5, 2020

EX2: Examiner's Life : Examinee 2

 ::: SYSTEM TRANSMISSION::: {ammercer : relocate rank to χ2, reside => same, renum => +20, privileges: no change}

This time Legal was actually willing to talk to Amanda and take her seriously. They wanted to see further progress but they were considering proving incentive for her to choose Legal over Audit. Her Reporting Audit Division examiner wanted to pressure her into comiting to take the division if she passed both again, but she resisted. She respected her dad, but she felt in a way that she would accomplish more if she made it in Legal division. She faced a more difficult challenge, barely passing the qualifying exam, and then making it as a Legal Examiner? She still had to decide what way she wanted to go.

If she could pass both Divisions in χ2


 Examinee 2, Legal Division Exam 1

Part 1 Hypothetical Study Q&A

 << >>

Year 91 Day 132

Failed 2 legal exams, I've still got a perfect record in auditing as Examiner 2. Vanessa has moved onto Examiner 4. We had a little celebration for her as she is being assigned to more senior housing. Good luck Vanessa!

This means we'll have a new girl in our group soon.

Year 91 Day 162

Legal is getting better. Dropped my first Auditing exam in χ2 . Chandra is a new Examinee attempting 3 divisions: Governance, Medical and Science, Now that I've been at it a while, doing 5 seems impossible and 3 is too much.

Year 91 Day 198

 Went through a not great streak, now I have 4 Legal exam fails, and 2 auditing fails. Georgia and I noticed we should be moving up to Examinee 3 at the same time. She's on track to move forward, finally! Good for her.

Year 91 Day 246

Slipping on my Legal exams with 7 fails now. Only a few weeks away from Advancing though.  Unfortunately, Chandra had burnout with the 3 divisions, and then had some behavioral problems and got too many fails. She's back to Twelfth Form now. I really do feel for her.

 Year 91 Day 282

On to Examinee 3. Georgia made it a bit before me because I had a few extra fails. Ended with 44 - 13 overall, 22 - 8 in Legal, 22 - 5 in Auditing.

In Examinee 3, there are some significant changes. The work load is established based on 1 division as the standard. On the plus side, that means I don't have to pass both, but on the otherhand, if I want to pursue both, I'm increasing my work quite a bit.

 She would have to Pass 49 exams in each division without failed 37 times, that's 5 more passes, same number of allowed fails, and she has to take that many legal or auditing exams.

Social Gathering - day 283 (rest)

 "Auditing is considered a joke by other Examiners. They say it could be done by a technician. Why wouldn't I try for any other division. Legal is hard, and the case studies are agonizing sometimes, but it's a respectable Examiner division," she was saying.

"I think you are overthinking this. We all need audits, Amanda. Do the thing. Follow your father's footsteps, there's nothing wrong with that. Do you really care about or like Legal?" Georgia said.

"Some times. Mostly I'm just stubborn I guess."

"Do auditing. You'll do so much better without two divisions in your head," she said.

Call Dad

"Hi Dad. I know I haven't talked in a while, but I made Examinee 3, and I'm dropping Legal," she said.

"Slow down, why are you dropping legal?" he said.

"Examinee 3 is paced for one Division. I've struggled my way to get this far in Legal. I think I'm just better in Auditing, so I figured it was time to drop the other, so I don't burn myself out."

"You are doing awesome, Amanda. You are surrounded by the best so you may forget it, but you are. I respect your decision, but just make sure it's what you really want. 

I've got 6 months to go, and it's going to be a hard fight on my end as well. I'm making Emeritus! Wish me luck."

"You've got this dad!"

"You too, kiddo."

Selection Ceremony

"I have to say, we are excited to see what you can do," the local Auditing division chief told her. 

"It was a hard decision but I had to focus now that I'm moving on."

 "We appreciate an Auditor will some Legal background. 

"We are offering eligibility for your own separate home conditional on reaching Examinee 4. Your renumeration classification will be upgraded to X effective immediately. Also, you may be unaware, but there is tracking behind the scenes based on your progression which determines the kind of initial placements you will receive if you make it to Intern Examiner. So keep it up, we'd love to see you fly!"

Year 91, Day 330: Started 11 and 3. Not as good as I wanted, but of course the material continues to get more advanced, and the sims are more full-featured replicas of real historical situations. Question and Answer and investigate the Auditable situation are the most common.

Year 91, Holidays: Dad's coming up, but i spent the first two days of the holiday and exploring the city with Georgia for the first time since I've been here. Her engineer brain meant she couldn't help but tell me about how everything around the city was made. I told her about the audits that happened to various construction projects. We decided to shut up about our studies while on holiday.

Dad came to the city with a dispensation for a family home rental for the duration of the holiday. We sat and talked about holidays and I actually had a productive conversation about his auditing work.

Dad said they would never assign a parent as a younger Examinee's senior report. Dad got us tickets to the Examiner Holiday Black-Tie. Had to buy a dress, but I had plenty of credits that weren't being spent, and now I was making even more after the agreement with Auditing division.

 "You'll spend a to if you have kids someday, so save up now," Dad said. 

I was only 16, I wasn't thinking about that anytime soon. It took a while to turn off study brain, but finally, just in time for the big party, I was able to just relax and not think about exams.

I had barely heard from Sue. Her family might have been at the party, I thought.

Only a few people remembered dad, since most Examiner's lived in Bay City, and he did, but as Amanda stuck to his side, they did get into conversations with examiners he had roomed with.

When she saw Sue with her family, she realized the stark difference in background.  She was the second generation born into the Examiner stratum. Her grandfather had risen from Technician stratum to become an examiner, but they didn't have a large number of cousins and relatives who were also examiners.

Dad said most of the family had ostracised grandpa. Rising to Examiner stratum was leaving behind his family's ways and life, like snubbing his nose at them. Grandpa's relatives probably thought that way.

Sue was in the middle of a crowd which could only be family by the way they defied the normal courtesy between two unrelated people. There was much teasing and joking, and some of Sue's family turned as looked as they approached.

An older gentleman turned to them. His green robes and ring on his finger told her that he was one of the few Delta rank Examiners. Leaders of the examiners themselves, there were only 200 of them. Team Chiefs, Division Chiefs and Stratum Chiefs. The man in front of them was likely a Team chief. Those of the highest achievement in all society gathered with their own contemporaries.

Their rank symbols were the only in all society without numbers in them: Ϫ, ﷺ and ﴾﴿.

"Examinee Mercer, my granddaughter has spoken a bit of you, and this is your father?"

 "Sam Mercer sir," dad said.

 "Welcome to the Examiner family, let me introduce you," Sue's grandpa said.

 "Sue, of course, is at Examiner 3, still continuing with Governance, Controller and Stratum Support. We are hoping for her success in becoming one of the few Governance Examiners of our family. We started mostly with a lot of Controllers and Stratum Support division examiners, but now we are working throughout all of the Examiner's life.

James here is a new Intern Examiner in Medicine. Interns face a tough path in Medicine, but he'll get through it.

 My brother Roger is a Tenured Examiner in Controller division, and I lead a team in Stratum Support. We are all over, but it's good to get to know new families. You've achieved quite a lot for a first generation Examiner."

Dad responded quickly to that, "Actually my father was the first to become an Examiner. He was an  Electronics technician who ended up doing well in Auditing, when he became Examiner."

Sue was barely herself with all that family around, but on the last day of the holidays they met up for an afternoon.

"It's nice to have a big family, but still it's nice to be yourself. The Mercer family still gets to define who they are. There's so many expectations, being a moderno."

"Is everyone going to expect we are all Auditors, I don't want to discourage any future Mercers from going a different route. I wish I could have passed the Computing preliminary."

 "You'll be a great auditor. Don't worry, if your Dad remarries, or you rank up enough to get child vouchers, your family will grow, and eventually there will be Mercers in many divisions."

"Good luck making it in Governance. I just want to make it, period. It won't be too bad, focusing on just the one division."

"Examinee 3 is harder.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

EX2: Examiner Life: Examinee 1

 The grey robes were neatly folded next to her computer desk on the little end table. They were slightly fuzzy to the touch, but had the seriousness of a real accomplishment. One step closer to the black robes of the full examiner.

Just putting on the clothing of the initiate, the χ1 Examinee, was entering the real deal world of Examiners, going from student to applicant. Still studying with crazy intensity, but she would get to go to the Examiners Education Center in the capital, and join her friends who were already there.

Underneath the folded grey robes was the sealed envelope, a glossy golden colored envelope at that, with the return address: Examiner Stratum, Education Division, Student Mailings. 1 Education Ave, Bay City A40F-6CC2

She carefully removed the paper and glue seal, opening the long and tall envelope. A single double-sided page was inside.

"This letter commemorates the passage of Amanda Mercer, Monasterical village 16 from Twelfth Form (α12) with a qualifying record of 35 / 18. Entry to Bay City is hereby granted, and accomodation is hereby given for Amanda Mercer to reside in the Non-Family Examinee dormitories. Arrival of Amanda Mercer is expected by the 37th of October."

It would take Dad two days to drive her to Bay City, and it was already the 31st, she didn't have much time. Enough time to go online.





This was new. It was actually updating her protocols to a new even higher security level. Being interested in the Computing Division, she was curious what changed from the already elaborate secure transmission and anti-cheating protocols.


There were only a half dozen Examiner stratum students in the surrounding villages. These were farming and mining communities run by the Monasterical authorities. There was an Examiner in each of the villages, members of the Governance division's Inter-Stratum Auditing team. That included her father.

4 of the other Examiner stratum students were children like her. One was an old man who had rise from the Monastery and reached the heights of Technianship (Q⑫ Ulti-Wizard!), and still wanted more. He was a fountain of wisdom when it came to study habits, but he didn't know Examiner habits.

Exams were important, but incidents equaled automatic failures in your current exam system.

Old man Willick was in Tenth Form, and he might reach Examinee, before he passed, if he could learn the standards and expectations of the stratum. He had been a technician since his mid-twenties, and internalized the cocky, semi-informal culture of the Mid-stratum, but he was unfamiliar and off in his expectations and actions as a Form student.

The other children of Auditing team Examiners were anywhere from Eighth form down to Second form.

Amanda looked to her phone, checking the percent progress on the security updates on her pc. She could only see public information on her phone. Rumor was there would be a secure phone for her in Bay City.



1st - Governance, 2nd - Education, 3rd - Computing, 4th - Controller, 5th - Legal, 6th - Senior Medical, 7th - Senior Engineering, 8th - Senior Science, 9th - Stratum Support, 10th - Auditing

She decided she would go for Education, Computing, Legal, Science and Auditing if she could choose five divisions to qualify in.  Computing first, then Education, Auditing, Science, Legal.

Auditing because her father did it, Computing because she liked it, Education only if it focused on the analysis of education and EDCS.

It felt like she was still running a loop in her head, and since there were no exams to study for, no advised readings to do, and no online chatter about exams, she had nothing but time to wait.


[χ1 sumoderno to χ1 ammercer] > Congrats! Girl on Fire!

|: Thanks, hows is it so far 

[χ1 sumoderno to χ1 ammercer] > All the divisions are putting events on our calendars. Gatherings, meetups, recruiting attempts. The lower divisions are desperate to get new Examinees to at least listen. ExE is only making us attend one a week, which is a relief, but still, it's hard to cram in study hours like I used to.

|: ExE? 

[χ1 sumoderno to χ1 ammercer] > Examiner Education. Basically the department we report to.  More deference is paid to us, and it's not a bulk teacher computer student relationship, it's more professional, senior junior relationships.

|: I'm waiting for my computer at home to download all the new security settings. At 15% after thirty minutes.

[χ1 sumoderno to χ1 ammercer] > Get down here girl. Convince your folks to take you early.

|: I'll try. It's just my dad. Audit division remember.

[χ1 sumoderno to χ1 ammercer] > Yeah. See you soon.


You sat down for a brief dinner with dad just after the updates reached 100%.

The basic foods are more available here, but the tasty and fancy are difficult to get. Dad cooked a special treat, baked pasta with mozzerela and ricotta.

"I'm going to try to pass the Senior Examiner this time! They'll have to post me near you then," he said.

There was no way to test into staying at the same rank, Dad had been moving up to Senior Examiner and then failing back to Examiner over the years of her life. They kept him in the same assignment, just with more prestige and credits when he was senior examiner.

If he managed to reach Emeritus Examiner, they wouldn't be able to keep him in this small town posting. He'd be auditing something big! In Bay City.

"You can do it dad!" she said. If he wanted to really try he might have a chance. Dad had been discouraged last time he was a Senior Examiner. The test was so hard, and the citations so easy to get. He found it hard to be appropriately serious and respectful after his fifth time at the rank.

 Dad only had to pass twenty more Exam credits without failing twenty. A credit was either one test, for younger students, or something that took 3 days in addition to normal work. As a Form student she had a 100% rate, one test per 3 days.

Dad's tests with highly complex audit simulations which took many weeks to pass but counted for 10 credits or even more sometimes.

 Basically he had two months to go if he passed the next two tests at 100%.

 After dinner, they sat and watched a movie that Dad had local cached over the past week. The bandwidth out here was just a fraction of what was available in Bay City.

She constantly wanted to run upstairs and check on her percent done, but she resisted. It was definitely Dad movie material. A Legal Thriller where one Examiner found out the treachery of a senior examiner, and finally managed to bring justice, despite so many obstacles.

She could lie, and say that she needed to go over all the new Examinee documents, but it wasn't true. She could have waited until she got to Bay City, but her success was partly due to that compulsion to get interested in new and upcoming material early.

Plus, she had access to a few interesting functions. 

It was late when she got back to her computer desk, upstairs. She tapped the side of the monitor with her finger, and the display woke up.


... ... ...


>>> help commands new

Commands unlocked 2733-08-31

Sched+, Reside, Auth, ExamSim<v6>

>>> help Reside

Reside - Residence Management cli and vri

 RESIDE VRX : active VR mode  [[ Status: Disabled due to remote operation ]]  

RESIDE INFO : displays current residential situation

 Other options may be available.
Currently no other options are available. 

>>> Reside info

[key 11BB] 38 Unit 1, Fourth Street, Mid Bay Community, C29E-11BB 

Future Resident - χ1 class housing - Admit Resident upon Arrival

>>> Reside 11BB

Three units are part of the property at 38 Fourth Street. Each unit contains bedroom, bathroom and computer room, with Certified Examinee-class computing support. 

The Three units share a common kitchen, dining room and gathering room. Fourth Street properties share common recreation and well-being facilities.

 Current Occupants:

 χ3 vbwunderbar : unit 2,
χ1 gamaraigh : unit 3

>>> EdPlan {χ1 g1}

N1. Choose Divisions (currently 0 of 5)
χ1 Orientation
N3. Fourth Street Orientation
N4+. TBD

>>> EdPlan {χ1 g1} Prospect N1

::: Choose Divisions Prospectively :::

]]] Computing
Senior Science

::: Accepted -- Propsect E1 :::

[E1] >>> EdPlan {χ1 g1} | skip 2

 ... (lines skipped)

N3. Division Prelim Exams {x5}
N4. Division Lesson 1 {x5}
N5. Division Exam 1 {x5}
N6. Division Meeetings {x5}

[E1] >>> EdPlan {χ1 g1} Hours(weekly)

Week of 8/31 : 32 hours
Week of 9/1 : 120 hours
Week of 9/11 : 95 hours
Week of 9/21 : 100 hours

[E1] >>> EdPlan {χ1 g1} Prospect End.

::: Ended -- Prospect E1 :::

>>> EdPlan {α12 ~p}

::: Reviewing Past EdPlan data {α12 ~p} :::

[~p] >>> EdPlan {α12 ~p} Hours(weekly)

Week of 8/11 : 72 hours
Week of 8/21 : 50 hours

This was going to be even harder, Amanda realized, though she had known it already.


The triplex was snug, even the central cooking / gathering space, but she was here, and she wasn't isolated anymore.

The unit was more impressive from the outside than the inside, with it's arch and fancy entry door and windows. Inside it was functional, tile floors in gold and white and most importantly, a computer that destroyed her pc back home. It ran updates and autoconfiguration in 30 seconds!

The bedroom was a nice four poster bed, a real adult bed for the first in her life, and an end table with reading material. Whatever wasn't put into the system could only be decorative and fanciful.

Having her own bathroom and shower was nice too. She would miss Dad, but she was ready to make him proud.

[χ1 ammercer to χ1 sumoderno] > I'm here! {{Reside share-location}}

|: Too bad we couldn't room together. I'm on 3rd street. See you outside.

"Farmgirl!" Amanda heard as she stepped outside. There was Sue, standing up against the limoauto carrying an all new purse.

"Classy Sue, "Amanda said. "What do you put in there besides your E-ID?"

"I just like the look," Sue said. "Come on. There's no one in the other units yet, so we can hang out in the common space."

The limoauto started driving as soon as they got back in. Three minutes, maybe four, to get to Sue's place. She supposed it was the closest thing to being roomies.

"What divisions are you going for?" Amanda asked her.

"You should listen to what kind of offers the senior examiners give you before you settle on your own. As for mine, I went for Governance, Controller, Med, and Stratum Support as my fallback plan. I failed the preliminary exam in Med, so that's out. Governance and Controller both are going well after my first Exam day. Stratum Support is easy so I've maxed that grade out, but I don't want to go to that one. Stratum is offering a chance to work with the number one Senior Examiner in their division if I make it to Intern in their area. I don't know though."

Lots to consider and talk about, Amanda realized. Everything up till now had been broad-based learning, and largely focussed on study buddies, keeping focus and effort high and getting those great grades. Now it would shift to focussing on specific areas.

"I want to do Computing, but unless I hear a lot that changes my mind, I'm going to try for Education, Auditing, Senior Science and Legal too," she said.

"Legal, eww! You'll go insane trying 5 divisions. It's theoretically possible, but only the super-elite can pull it off. I think you should dump Legal. Maybe try the other four. Listen to our Seniors though, they have great information on what it's really like, and they know what divisions need new examiners the most."

 They put on a wide vr screenie and watched the events taking place from different perspectives. It was an adventure story that ended in a return home, and an encouraging ending as the guy decided to stop being foolish about his exams. 

There was a flash forward scene with the man receiving an award for reaching the position of Emeritus Examiner.

"Even with 4 divisions, this will be our last chance for hanging out until the Downtime. I'll get an invitation for you to my family's party."

"That would be great. I'm sure I'll spot you at the ExE."


 She had tried a lot of interesting food that was raised or grown or caught in her home village, but the gathering for brand new Examinees had plenty of delicacies she had never seen before.

The man pretending to not be checking her grades on her left had to be stratum support, and the woman on her right. The man was wearing a Monasterical rank sash overtop his silver robes.

 Mrs. Audit Division was clearly distracted, paying way too much attention to a new Examinee who was overindulging in the free food.

 "Ministers," she said respectfully to them. "My father is an Examiner in the Audit division, so I will pursue that in my qualifications. I'm not sure what I would pursue Stratum Support, but I will listen."

  "Mercer, good to see you here. Come visit me in the ExE. I have office hours there every thirdday," the Auditor said.

The man accepted her challenge. "Stratum Support would love to see an Examiner who has lived outside of their own stratum society. We take on older technician-advancers, and similarly, when we see an Examinee who grew up on the farm, we pull out our incentives. I'm offering 50 Q-points if you pass the preliminary exam for our division, and more if you proceed further."

The contrast between Auditing and Stratum Support, who were pursuing her, and Education or Computing, was huge.

 "We don't have any planned incentives, but if we see excellence after the first three exams, we will contact you," said Computing's representative.

The Education rep wouldn't even speak with her. Legal was reasonable and concerned with letting everyone know that it wasn't the neurotic fussy topic that people thought it was. 

After the big gathering, she met with Auditing and even Legal one on one. While Legal wasn't willing to offer any Q points for the qualifying exam, they did promise to offer points for the first exam if she scored in the top 80% for new Examinees.

She bailed on Education. She decided to stick to trying for four divisions, and she gave herself one hard division, two in the middle and one fallback, so she picked Computing, Legal, Science and Auditing.

Sue was still taking exams for the number 1 division, Governance, but Sue was just a bit better than her.

After choosing her divisions, she had a few hours to actually met and chat with her neighbors.

Vanessa Wunderbar was already an Examinee 3, focusing solely on the Controller division.

"If you end up going Auditing, we'll have a lot of notes to share. Controllers are the good counterpart for those bad auditors."

She winked. "I mean, we handle the periodic processing of resource gathering and expenditure for organizations. The best work within governance itself, but most of us work in a siloed departmen operation to determine if it is self-sufficient, or how much help it needs. Resource surplus also determines tax and iCurrency availability. If we find something off, we send it to the auditors next. If there's an auditor on the team, then we play a good lawyer to their bad lawyer."

Georgia Maraigh had been Examinee 2 but returned after she failed the meet the standard for advancing further. Now she was focussing on solidifying her understanding of the Engineering division.

"The Engineering exams are very sim heavy, which is my strong suit. I know I'm an Examinee, but the question and answer stuff gets hard for me," she said.

"I had a hard time with the sims, because high latency and low bandwidth out where my dad lives," Amanda said. "The question and answer or essay were how I made up the sim points I lost. I'll have to see how I do with the new sims. I hear the Computing prelims are sim heavy also. Some of the Computing sims are text-only which was a lot easier to make work back home."

"Ah, a farmgirl!" Vanessa said.

Amanda was already tired of hearing that! "I didn't touch the farm. We lived in a village, that doesn't make us farmers. My dad's an auditor. Not a farmer!"

"Ah, it's something unique that you were only a few miles from farms," Georgia said. "It's just a little jokey identity. I'm Simhead, Vanessa's Diva."

"My exam scores are just as good as the others!" Vanessa said defensively.

"Of course. But your mom is THE diva. Following in her footsteps."

"When can we hang out again. My next 15 days is going to be filled with busyness, but after that I want to check in with you ," Amanda said.

"Festival days! Vanessa's got about 3 months before she moves up to a place of her own and χ4. We're already planning for the end of the year festival," Georgia said.

"I hope everything goes as well as that," Vanessa said. "Controller Interchange Data Standards are breaking my brain."

"Wave/Fourier Engineering is the worst for me," Georgia said.

"Good luck! Back to our study bubbles," Amanda said.


χ1 ammercer : Senior Science DPreliminary Exam

Computing-56.49% - FAILED
Legal-74.22% - Bare Pass (#2 Division)
Science-61.91% - FAILED
Auditing-85.58% - Promising Pass (#1 Division)

[χ1 sumoderno to χ1 ammercer] > Well shit, the transition is really hard isn't it? They call it a Preliminary Exam, but it's almost as hard as the regular exams in the Subject areas. You've been running along learning general and broad knowledge and now you are asked to be a specialist. You're a way better Auditor than me at least.

|: I gotta call my dad. I'm not giving up on Legal at least. I'm going to fight.

[χ1 sumoderno to χ1 ammercer] > You have to pass in 2 divs if you want to make Examinee 2 the first time around. So keep scores up in Legal too.

The video call functionality had no problem using her unit's computing systems, it was her dad's system, and the delay in getting signals out that far that made the picture choppy for a second.

"How's my star doing?" he asked. "I only have a few minutes, but I'd like to use them to hear from you.

"Prelims. I failed Computing and Science. 85% in auditing though."

"See, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.. I know you wanted Computing hun, but it's a really competitive division. Involved in the GEC which runs, well, everything. What about legal?"

"Passed that, barely. I have to work hard to improve my Legal exams, and hopefully I can push forward to Examinee 2 in six months."

"You know how to work hard, just take small breaks from time to time. Do a little casual study hangout with Sue, or with your unit neighbors. You'll get there. Gotta go hun, Love you!"

"Love you dad."

She study the Legal division lessons, supplemental material and et cetera mostly. She had a decent memory of auditing stuff from dad. She went over those lessons once, but the Legal lessons 7 times. She would balance out in a while, but she wanted to make sure she could hit the pass fail rate in Legal division so she could pass in 2 divisions.

Amanda's Examinee Snippets

Day 4: Passed today's Legal exam, so that makes me 1 for 1 in both divisions.

Day 10: 3-0 in Auditing, 2 pass 1 fail in Legal. I'm already sooo tired.

Day 12: Did some Casual study with Georgia and Vanessa. Vanessa is nostalgiac because of the overlap between Auditing, Legal and her division of Controller. Those case studies and courtroom sims. Yep, ridiculous. We had a good laugh. Engineering is just too different, but I appreciate Georgia's struggle because every day is still a struggle for me too.

Day 16: Feel like i'm turning a corner. I still haven't failed an Auditing exam, and only failed that one in Legal. Looking good for Sixtember Examinee 2, but I know it's still a lot of hard work ahead and things can turn.

Day 25: Huge pass streak. 15 - 1 overall. Too tired. Gonna take a break tommorrow, and then one more exam before the year end holidays.

Holiday 1: Last day on campus before Dad picks me up. I can only go home for a few days because it takes so long to travel between Bay City and home.

Monasterical Village 16 Holiday Party

The O-class, W-class and M-class monks congregated celebrating the year's end. The Monastery school went from M-1 to M-7 ranks, and was a very practical schooling, enforcing disciple, martial arts and meditation and training in physical work and the body preparedness needed.

There were a few Technician stratum people in the Monastery's village. Junior Engineers, working with an Examiner Senior Engineer remotely, maintained the town's systems. Technicians supported the mining and farming efforts through their Stratum Support as well.

Amanda watched as her father went to the speakers booth that had been built in the middle of main street, where everyone was gathered. No place indoors could hold everyone, so they had always celebrated outdoors. It was chilly but a few hours wouldn't hurt. She had a lot of memories of past years holidays.

"Testing, testing 1 2. People of Village 16, Riverridge as it is commonly known. I am happy to report that this year's audits have been very good. We only had two people living off the grid, and three cases of children born unregistered to unregistered medical staff. I am so excited to see my daughter going off to Bay City to continue her studies towards becoming an examiner. I am also excited to see your children excel and reach a higher height than the generations that came before. With your efforts you can lay the foundation for your children, and their children to become technicians and examiners."

Amanda had usually connected with the neighboring Examiner students in other villages, but once a year she would rejoin her peers in the village in Holiday celebration.

The Monastery housed their people in large buildings with many beds to a room, also large gathering spaces and eating spaces.

Some of her old acquaintainces who were monks from the community about her age, asked her to attend a party at one of the buildings.

There were no computers nor study places that she could tell. She knew of the morning rituals. Silence until 12 noon except as required for specific jobs. Meditation before bed and at rise, there were more of them she didn't know about she had never grown up in the culture. She was part of the few, the special examiner children in the surrounding region.

The children of technicians out here had to go to a boarding school type of setting, with enough structure to fit their inclinations, while the children of Examiners were allowed to study and progress in Forms from their homes.

In the city technicians could keep their children at home, since they could send them every day to their school.

They may have been quiet before noon but now they were hooping and hollering.

She tried to enjoy their celebrations and clumsily failed to perform their little physical activity games.

When she got back to her dad's she had a note from ExE.

[Examiner Education: hlwarburg to χ1 ammercer] > Based on system tracking, you attended a Monasterical gathering in your hometown. It is acceptable to gather with other stratums as required for educational or work matters, or as cleared by your Reporting Examiner. It is not acceptable to attend a Monastery function.

::: SYSTEM TRANSMISSION::: {ammercer : +1 Fail to overall χ1 PF tracking : now 17/2. Inappropriate socialization. Division sub-scores are unaffected


She knew it too. It was easy to slip back into a mindset that had been ok when she was a form student, but not as an Examinee.

She would ask Dad to come to her next holiday. Hopefully he would be making his way towards Emeritus Examiner by then.

The whole thing did make her holidays somber and she was tempted to study, but they had to make Examiner stratum take a break. She could get cited for working or studying during this time.

She was ready to cut away all the chaff. She enjoyed the comraderie with her housemates every few weeks, that was enough.

Year 91, Day 30 - Got my second fail in Auditing and second in Legal this week. Surprisingly I'm 12 - 2 in both areas now. I'm on target to make Examinee 2 in two months, so why am I upset, I had to call an emergency housemates gathering.

We watched holovids and ate our month's allotment of junk food. Half to get down to the exercise clinic soon. I've been losing some weight with all the stress, but I don't have any muscle tone and I get breathing hard way earlier than I should. The Exercise clinic is there for a reason, it's excellent as anti-stress and it makes us smarter and more focussed.

Year 91, Day 60 -  My amazing initial results have settled into good enough to pass, but not blazing hot. 15-4 in both topics. I thought I would do way better in Auditing, but I guess my equal study in both areas has evened up my ability. Five more passes in each Division and I'll be on to Examinee 2! Georgia made it just a week ago.

Year 91, Day 90 - Made it in Auditing with 20-4 overall. I just need to pass two more Legal exams and I'll  be on to Examinee 2. Nice and light schedule next week since I only have Legal exams.

 Year 91, Day 102 - Overall Pass in Legal too with 20-6. 40-11 overall counting that stupid behavioral fail. Here we go, up to harder stuff. Monthly meeting with our group of Examinees and our senior.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Code Ling Qi

With full acknowledgement to the awesome original source:

She was going to a Sect. She apparently had the talent to become an Immortal herself, or at least to walk that path. It was apparently why she sometimes heard invocations no one else could hear, why she could feel home when she ventured to the outskirts of the city where the hackers' flailed on their terminals. The smell of rolls of paper spooling out their command results made her smile. She had always assumed she was just a bit crazy really.


So she would owe the Empire eight years of service instead, once she was done training. Not very long at all in an Immortals lifespan, she had been assured. Really she couldn’t say that the idea of being a figure from a story, facing off against the micro haxors didn’t excite her. She just hated not having a choice.

The large room is built with a series of long desks full of terminals placed on descending tiers, broken up by steps descending down to the pit where the lecturer’s podium stands. The desks are almost completely full though, and Ling Qi felt more than one curious, dismissive, or assessing look from the crowd of chattering young people already present.

They didn't even have printers, just long rows of the CRT displays which must have cost the sect a fortune.


It comes to her then, Golden Fields is the easternmost province of the empire, and more importantly, “...Oh, the Grave of the Sun. I didn’t think someone would come from so far away,” She trailed off as she noticed that his smile had gone rather stiff. Did she say something rude? Golden Fields was once home to Sun Systems. Before the dark times, before the scheming Oracle, and the tide of endless micros, Sun Systems had been far more than it is today.

She couldn’t really think of a reason why mentioning it would offend him. Maybe his family sent him away and he didn't like being reminded how far away he was?

He gave a slightly forced laugh. “Yeah, that’s the one. I guess most people only really remember us for that old story these days.”

Like the others in the room her attention was drawn to the source of the sound. It came from below, where a tall, thin man had appeared at the lecturer’s podium. He was even now lowering his hands back to his side as if he had simply clapped for their attention. Ling Qi frowned as she studied the man, there was something about him which set her on edge. Perhaps it was his almost unnaturally bland and thin features, clean shaven down to the eyebrows, or the slightly gray tone of his skin. If she didn’t know better she would think him ill.

It was bizarre, seeing what looked like the robes of a high minister in such an undignified shade. How had someone wearing such loud colors gotten past her like that? There was no door down there, so he must have come through the same entrance she had. She glanced over at Han Jian, but he didn’t seem particularly surprised. She forced herself to relax a bit, it was some form of hack obviously, and not something which anyone else seemed concerned about, though a few of the students had been startled out of their seats.

“Welcome to the Argent Peak children,” the strange, bald man said as he finished lowering his hands. His expression was one of careful neutrality, but she thought she could see amusement twinkling in his grey… no, green, no… In his eyes, which seemed to rapidly change colors. “I am Sect Elder Sima Jiao, current head of the Gear Department, and it seems that it is my turn to greet our new arrivals.” So this man was in the one in charge of all the computer equipment? He must be incredibly wealthy, no wonder he could get away with dressing so outlandishly.

Then she remembered the ridiculous hat that her driver had worn. Perhaps becoming Immortal just compelled one to dress strangely? While Ling Qi was pondering the fashion sense of hackers Elder Jiao had clasped his hands behind his back and was giving her and the other students an assessing look. “I am terribly busy on the best of days, so I will not ramble on. To be honest, it is likely that the majority of you will never amount to anything beyond the outer sect where you stand now, and are thus not particularly worthy of my time.”

His blithe dismissal draws a grumble from the gathered students, Ling Qi among them. 

“It is simply reality, nothing to be ashamed of,” the Elder continued, not unkindly. “In any case, your first years here will serve the purpose of separating those with only minor potential from those with true talent. Which is why there will be no leaving this mountain for any of you during the first year, nor will any correspondence in or out be allowed in the first three months.” That finally seems to surprise some of the other disciples, setting off a wave of whispers, though none dare openly question the elder.

“Be silent,” Elder Jiao said then pulling her attention back to him. “You will have time enough for mortal concerns later. Today and in the future you are disciples of the Argent Peak. The foundation you lay in the first steps of your path will inform the rest of your lives. There is no need for distractions from the outside world.”


“The only other rule is that you may not destroy or permanently wreck your fellow disciple's user access, nor damage or steal sect property. Many online resources are not marked as Sect, and may be used as you will, however, there is to be absolutely no hostile coding between you for three months. Conflict is important for your growth, but it would not do to allow potential to be cut off before it can even begin to bloom.”


“Each of you will be granted an allowance of five red timesharing stones per month, and access to the Argent Soul art to begin with,” he continues, confusing her, as she had no idea what either of those things are. “For those of you not aware,” he adds, and Ling Qi was suddenly all to aware of the way his unsettling gaze rested on her for a moment before passing to a handful of other students in the room. “Timesharing stones are the currency of Immortals, more valuable than gold or silver. Access to the System requires the consumption of the time allotted in said stones, at least until one masters certain other arts. I would suggest frugality. As for the Argent Soul Art, it is the foundational approach and Way of our Sect, if the lowest form of it. It is exceptional for early growth, if somewhat less effective for mature hackers.”


"Rooming arrangements will be up to you, but expect to room with at least one other disciple. For the first three months, two Elders will be on the mountain to provide beginners training in the Programming and SysAdmin aspects of our arts respectively. I suggest you seek them out, because you will need to earn such attention later. All else will be up to you, your skill and your talent.” He unclasps his hands and places them on the keyboard of a terminal. “Now, if you would, file up in an orderly fashion. I will be allocating first month's allowance. Best hope your User Account was properly prepared."

+5 Red Timesharing Stones (Red = 20 hours, Transferable Terminal Access Authority Level 1

MINGW64 ~/codelingqi/argentsect/rsc
$ cp argentsoulart.txt ~/codelingqi/home/u1069lingq/argentsoulart.txt

The squat stone building was only a single story, but in addition to a fairly spacious front room with a well kept hearth, there were also a pair of bedrooms, a tiny kitchen, and a third room with a terminal and hard copy printer.

She had printed out the first few pages of the Argent Soul Art, and later that night she was sitting in front of the fire while Bai Meizhen quietly tended to the tea she was brewing in the clay pot they had found in one of the kitchen cubbies.

Ling Qi had the printout for the Argent Soul technique open in her lap and was frowning down at the odd diagram and the text around it. To her eye it seemed like no more than a collection of practice exercises and commands interspersed with flowery philosophical nonsense. She was beginning to feel irritated, she knew she was missing something, but couldn’t quite understand what.

She was pulled from her thoughts by the whistle that signified the water for the tea was beginning to boil. As much as she wanted to figure this out on her own… she should probably ask. Bai Meizhen had made no indication that she was willing to help her, but after spending most of the afternoon with the girl collecting necessities for their home, she felt she was beginning to get a feel for the taciturn girl. She would never offer help on her own, and probably wouldn’t ask for it either. It seemed against her nature. “Bai Meizhen,” that didn’t mean that Ling Qi couldn’t ask. “Do you know what this part means?” She asked, pointing to a paragraph talking about breathing and 'flow'.

The other girl took a moment to look up from the brewing tea, looking faintly surprised that you were speaking to her. She didn’t really engage verbally unless prompted you were noticing. She did lean forward, narrowing her creepy golden eyes to study the scroll, which you helpfully turned to make easier for her. Several seconds of silence, less awkward now, passed before she looked up. “It is describing the state of mind one must reach to approach the System,” she responded a bit condescendingly. “It is the first step in the simple exercises for the first stage of the technique, once you have mastered the first breathing method.”

The breathing method was a silly exercise before you start using the terminal, but Ling Qi just wanted to start typing, but she didn't have the first clue of what to type.

Ling Qi let out a breath, not letting the other girls tone bother her. She told herself again that the other girl didn’t mean any harm, and that she was being helpful. “What is a System exactly?” Ling Qi asked keeping her tone even. She hated even more that she felt she earned the condescension with her ignorance.

Bai Meizhen frowned, pausing as she poured herself a cup of the newly brewed tea. “It is the origin of a hacker's power. The core from which you attempt all manner of actions, through the connections topology of the terminal. Understanding the System is required to awaken and begin production of your own code. You'll never completely grok it, but a beginner's sense is needed to start.” She pauses a beat staring at you again. “Code is the energy which allows us to do… everything beyond the ability of mortals.”

“I know that much,” Ling Qi responded defensively. “But how am I supposed to understand something that's invisible, and somewhere else? It’s not like I can sense my own organs, and I use them a lot more”

The pale girl pursed her lips, seeming to consider something for a moment. “Go to the terminal,” she said brusquely after a moment, following Ling Qi into their terminal room.

"Log in."

Ling Qi sat down at the terminal.

Logon: u1069lingqi
Password: flute

Bai Maizhen took over, as she stood up, and began to type.

Ling Qi could barely register what she was doing.

$ cp argentsoulart.txt vimtest.txt

MINGW64 ~/codelingqi/home/u1069lingq
$ ls
argentsoulart.txt vimtest.txt

MINGW64 ~/codelingqi/home/u1069lingq
$ vim vimtest.txt

(C) 19 BD Argent Peak Sect
Authorized for Argent Peak Sect members only

<<lines skipped>>

vimtest.txt [unix] (14:35 29/05/2020) 1,1 All
"vimtest.txt" [unix] 8L, 133C

"What is this?"

Bai Meizhen answered. “Exit from VIM. It is painful, but my Aunt did this for me when I was eight. It should be no trouble for you.”

Ling Qi found the experience bewildering. She had heard about Control C, though never used a terminal before today. It didn't help. She tried typing the ritual phrase kill, but the K caused the screen to flash, the i went away, and the ll showed up in the middle of the Argent Soul Art text.

It had been strange. Ling Qi had never liked sitting still for too long before, but after she had shut the thick door to the terminal room and sat down to practice breathing as the text file instructed, she found that her mind did not wander nearly as much as she expected it would. Rather, she seemed to fall into the pattern that the text described with ease, as if she had been doing it for years.

There were two modes, Insert and Escape. The i from k i l l entered insert mode. After pressing keys and causing text to go into the Art textfile, she managed to press escape. Twice more she went into and out of insert mode, before she noticed what was going on.

When she tried letters on the keyboard, w entered some weird recording mode. She almost panicked before stumbling upon the :, and then eventually, some time later, into :help.

She didn't know how to get out of recording mode, but right there, in :help was the instructions:

Get out of Vim: Use ":qa!<Enter>" (careful, all changes are lost!).

Aha! It was good that changes were lost, as she thought she had ruined the Argent Way text. Maybe she could have found the answer in the Argent Way, after scrolling through the more philosophical prose.

Back at the terminal, vim help created a new file called help, but Ling Qi was prepared, using :qa! to get out again.

She went back into the vimtest.txt file. Remembering that Bai Meizhen had actually been kind by copying the Sect's way to a test file before throwing her in the deep end.

Hour after hour she worked on the terminal, learning about vim and trying out that cp command. Maybe tommorrow she could learn how to delete. Eventually she passed out at the terminal.

Waking up in the dark pre-dawn morning, She stood and stretched, quietly leaving the room, she felt better than she had in years, and despite some initial setbacks… she felt like she could do this.